Tech for Good: Incorporating Sustainability in Short-Term Property Management

In recent years, the tech industry has made significant strides in developing solutions that promote sustainability and efficiency in various sectors. Property management is no exception. With the increasing focus on sustainability, short-term property managers are increasingly adopting innovative technologies to reduce their environmental impact and streamline operations. Technology can play a vital role in helping short-term property managers achieve their sustainability goals. 

For example, smart devices can help reduce energy consumption, while automation can help streamline operations and reduce waste. By incorporating sustainable practices and leveraging technology, short-term property managers can minimize their environmental impact and deliver a more eco-friendly experience for their guests, which is a win-win for everyone!

Are you a property manager looking to go green? Here’s how BeHome247 can help.

Streamline Operations with Innovative Technology

If there’s one thing tech is known for being very good at, it’s improving operational efficiency. For short-term property managers, this is a game-changer across several key areas. For instance, property management software can streamline various management tasks, including housekeeping and maintenance. It can help automate transactional tasks such as booking and guest communication. Perhaps most importantly, it can free up time for property managers to focus on other aspects of their business, such as marketing and the guest experience.

When it comes to sustainability, smart tech makes a world of difference. Smart thermostats, lights, and water detectors can help reduce energy consumption and identify potential problems early on, saving property managers money on utility bills and preventing costly repairs. Tricon American Homes, a BeHome247 user, has impressively reported energy cost reduction by 19% on vacant properties due to implementing smart thermostats for remote monitoring and adjusting.

Leverage Automation for Enhanced Efficiency

Automation is more than just a trendy buzzword. Under property management’s purview, it can play a vital role in helping short-term property managers streamline workflows. Automated workflows can reduce errors and improve guest experiences in various ways. For example, with automated messages, you can send guests detailed check-in instructions and arrival information, reducing your workload and ensuring guests have a smooth check-in experience.

Automating housekeeping and maintenance can go a long way to supporting various green initiatives. For example, property managers can use automated systems to receive, process, and track maintenance requests more efficiently. Reducing paperwork and ensuring maintenance tasks are addressed promptly, this process also minimizes energy and resource waste associated with unresolved issues.

Promote Energy Efficiency with Smart Devices

Smart devices can play a significant role in reducing energy consumption in short-term rental properties. For example, users can program smart thermostats to adjust the temperature automatically based on occupancy and weather conditions, which can help save energy and reduce utility bills. Another way to promote energy efficiency is to install smart lights. By controlling smart lights remotely and programming them to turn on and off automatically, property managers can save energy by preventing them from being left on unnecessarily.

In addition to smart thermostats and lights, various other smart devices improve energy efficiency in short-term rental properties. Smart water detectors can identify leaks early on, preventing water damage and saving money on water bills. Smart surge protectors protect electronics and appliances from power surges, reducing the risk of costly repairs.

Go Green with OK2Charge EV Charging 

OK2Charge is the only EV charging solution designed specifically for vacation rentals. With OK2Charge, you can embrace sustainability and boost revenue simultaneously. By offering electric vehicle charging, you not only reduce environmental impact but also attract eco-conscious guests. Plus, OK2Charge generates extra income whenever anyone uses the charging station. Unlike generic solutions, OK2Charge’s team has extensive experience in the vacation rental industry, ensuring a hassle-free experience for both property owners and guests. It’s the ideal choice for a greener and more profitable vacation rental property.

Incorporate Green Property Management Procedures

In addition to leveraging technology, short-term property managers can implement sustainable practices at each property to reduce their environmental impact. Some green property management procedures you can implement include:

  • Recycling: Recycling and composting programs can help reduce waste and conserve resources. Short-term property managers can provide recycling and compost bins for guests, promoting eco-friendly practices during their stays.
  • Water conservation: Short-term property managers can install water-efficient fixtures and appliances and give guests tips on conserving water.
  • Energy efficiency: Short-term property managers can install energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs to reduce energy consumption and save money on utility bills.
  • Sustainable cleaning products: Incorporating non-toxic, biodegradable products can help reduce the environmental impact of cleaning, ensuring a healthier living environment for all.

Engage Guests in Eco-Friendly Practices

Last but certainly not least, one of the best ways for short-term property managers to incorporate greener practices into their operations is through the time-honored tradition of… education. It’s simple but effective. Gently educating and engaging with your guests is a great way to encourage more sustainable behaviors.

Here are some tips:

  • Provide clear information about your sustainable practices. Guests should know what you are doing to reduce your environmental impact. This could include recycling programs, water conservation measures, and energy efficiency practices. You can provide this information in your listings, on your website, and in guest welcome notes.
  • Encourage guests to participate in sustainable practices. You can provide guests with tips on conserving water and energy, reducing waste, and supporting local businesses.

By educating and engaging guests in sustainable behaviors, short-term property managers can help reduce the environmental impact of the travel industry.


By incorporating sustainable practices and leveraging technology, short-term property managers can minimize their environmental impact and deliver a more eco-friendly experience for their guests. BeHome247 offers a variety of solutions that can help short-term property managers achieve their sustainability goals. 
Contact BeHome247 today to learn how to streamline your operations, save energy, reduce waste, and engage your guests in sustainable behaviors.

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